GA4 for SEO – How data helps businesses grow Answers

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics, and it offers a number of new features and benefits for SEO professionals. This certification course will teach you how to use GA4 to track your website’s traffic, measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategies, and build SEO dashboards in Google Data Studio.

Benefits of the GA4 for SEO certification

The GA4 for SEO certification offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased knowledge and skills in GA4: The course will teach you everything you need to know to use GA4 for SEO, so you can improve your website’s ranking in search engines.
  • Improved SEO: By following the principles taught in the course, you can improve the SEO of your website, which will lead to more traffic and conversions.
  • A competitive edge: The demand for businesses with strong SEO skills is growing rapidly. By completing this certification, you will gain a competitive edge in your industry.
  • A certificate of completion: Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be used to demonstrate your knowledge of GA4 for SEO to potential customers or clients.

Utility of the GA4 for SEO certification

The GA4 for SEO certification can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Improving your current website’s SEO: If you are already running a website, the GA4 for SEO certification can help you improve its SEO. You will learn about new techniques and strategies that you can use to improve the SEO of your website.
  • Launching a new website: If you are planning to launch a new website, the GA4 for SEO certification can help you get started on the right foot. You will learn about the basics of GA4 for SEO so you can create a website that is optimized for search engines from the start.
  • Upskilling your GA4 for SEO knowledge: If you are an SEO professional, the GA4 for SEO certification can help you upskill your knowledge. You will learn about the latest trends in GA4 for SEO so you can stay ahead of the competition.

Total Number of Questions: 21

What will you be learning in this course?

What are the advantages of switching to GA4 from old Google Analytics versions? (check all that apply)

In the ACES marketing framework, what does C stand for?

Enabling “enhanced measurement” in your data stream will automatically track: (check all that apply)

Creating the Search Console “Landing Pages” report in GA4 is:

If you want to customize GA4 to show only reports you find useful, where would you go?

Which of the GA4 models for attribution was previously unavailable in the free version of Universal Analytics?

How many data sources does the GA4 SEO Dashboard in Google Data Studio utilize?

To get a list of your competitors’ pages that receive the most traffic, which Traffic Analytics tab in Semrush would you go to?

Which of the following techniques does Jeff recommend after setting up the GA4 on your site? (select all that apply)

Adding a comparison to a report is similar to which Universal Analytics feature?

Describe Dimensions and Metrics in six words:

Bob wants to create his own version of a GA4 SEO Dashboard, but he can’t find all the required data sources for the report. Which of the following could NOT be the reason:

Emily wants to improve the conversions on her website, but her GA4 shows only out-of-the-box visitor data. Which of the following should be the first thing she does?

In the company that Masha works for, organic search traffic is the strategic KPI. If she wanted to see how they compare against their competition, which of the following tools should be her first choice?

How do you set up outbound click tracking in GA4?

Which UTM parameters are recommended if you want to track a link effectively?

Conversions in GA4 compared to the previous version of Google Analytics are:

Publishing a report in Reports > Library > Collections means that:

Creating custom events is important for:

How does the ACES framework compare to AIDA?

Results vs. Competition

The GA4 for SEO certification has been shown to be effective in helping people to improve the SEO of their websites. In a study by Semrush, the average student who completed the course saw a 20% increase in their website’s organic traffic. This is a significant improvement, and it shows that the GA4 for SEO certification can help you achieve real results.

The competition for businesses with strong SEO skills is fierce, but the GA4 for SEO certification can help you to give yourself an edge. By following the principles taught in the course, you can create a website that is optimized for search engines and more likely to be found by potential customers.

Career Growth Plan/Route

The GA4 for SEO certification can help you to advance your career in a number of ways. If you are currently working as an SEO professional, the course can help you improve your skills and knowledge. This can make you more valuable to your employer and help you to get promoted.

If you are not currently working as an SEO professional, the course can help you get started in a new career. By learning about GA4 for SEO, you can become a valuable asset to any company that wants to improve its SEO.

Opportunities in the World

The demand for businesses with strong SEO skills is growing rapidly. As more and more people conduct their research online, businesses that are not optimized for search engines are at a significant disadvantage.

The GA4 for SEO certification can help you to prepare for this growing demand. By completing the course, you will gain the skills and knowledge you need to be successful in a career in SEO.