A marketer for an online pet food store is about to lau…

, A marketer for an online pet food store is about to lau…

Here is an answer to the question. A marketer for an online pet food store is about to launch an ad campaign using Campaign Manager 360. Which order of processes should they expect for their campaign after launch?

  • 1. Consumers visit the website with ad locations. 2. Campaign Manager 360 supplies a creative option, relying on audience and contextual signals. 3. Campaign Manager 360 picks an ad for the pet food store to use the space. 4. The pet food store ad serves and relays performance insights to Campaign Manager 360..
  • 1. Campaign Manager 360 picks an ad for the pet food store to use the space. 2. Consumers visit the website with ad locations. 3. The pet food store’s ad serves and relays performance insights to Campaign Manager 360. 4. Campaign Manager 360 supplies a creative option, relying on audience and contextual signals..
  • 1. The pet food store’s ad serves and relays performance insights to Campaign Manager 360. 2. Campaign Manager 360 picks an ad for the pet food store to use the space. 3. Consumers visit the website with ad locations. 4. Campaign Manager 360 supplies a creative option, relying on audience and contextual signals..
  • 1. Consumers visit the website with ad inventory. 2. Campaign Manager 360 picks an ad for the pet food store to use the space. 3. Campaign Manager supplies a creative option, relying on audience and contextual signals. 4. The pet food store’s ad serves and relays performance insights to Campaign Manager 360..

This question is about “Campaign Manager Certification” All updated questions and answers related to “Campaign Manager Certification” can be found on the “Campaign Manager Certification Exam Answers” web page. If you spot an update in the questions or answers, please leave a comment on this page to let us know. We will provide updates as soon as possible.

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