Technical SEO Course Answers

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website’s technical infrastructure so that it can be crawled and indexed effectively by search engines. This includes factors such as website structure, page speed, and use of structured data.

The Technical SEO Course Certification is a comprehensive course that will teach you everything you need to know to improve the technical SEO of your website. The course is taught by industry experts and covers everything from the basics of technical SEO to advanced techniques.

Benefits of the Technical SEO Course Certification

The Technical SEO Course Certification offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased knowledge and skills in technical SEO: The course will teach you everything you need to know to improve the technical SEO of your website, so you can improve its ranking in search engines.
  • Improved website SEO: By following the principles taught in the course, you can improve the SEO of your website, which will lead to more traffic and conversions.
  • A competitive edge: The demand for businesses with strong SEO skills is growing rapidly. By completing this course, you will gain a competitive edge in your industry.
  • A certificate of completion: Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be used to demonstrate your knowledge of technical SEO to potential customers or clients.

Utility of the Technical SEO Course Certification

The Technical SEO Course Certification can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Improving your current website’s SEO: If you are already running a website, the Technical SEO Course Certification can help you improve its SEO. You will learn about new techniques and strategies that you can use to improve the technical SEO of your website.
  • Launching a new website: If you are planning to launch a new website, the Technical SEO Course Certification can help you get started on the right foot. You will learn about the basics of technical SEO so you can create a website that is optimized for search engines from the start.
  • Upskilling your technical SEO knowledge: If you are a technical SEO specialist, the Technical SEO Course Certification can help you upskill your knowledge. You will learn about the latest trends in technical SEO so you can stay ahead of the competition.

Total Number of Questions: 38

What elements should text links consist of to ensure the best possible SEO performance?

What is link juice?

What are two the most commonly known best practices to increase crawling effectiveness?

Choose three statements referring to XML sitemaps that are true:

Choose a factor that affects the crawling process negatively.

Choose two statements that are false about the SEMrush Audit Tool.

What is the proper instrument to simulate Googlebot activity in Chrome?

How often does the option to combine a robots.txt disallow with a robots.txt noindex statement make folders or URLs appear in SERPs?

True or false? It is not possible to have multiple robots meta tags.

Choose two correct statements about a canonical tag:

Fill in the blank. It’s not wise to index search result pages because _____

PRG (Post-Redirect-Get pattern) is a great way to make Google crawl all the multiple URLs created on pages with many categories and subcategories.

Choose the wrong statement.

You have two versions of the same content in HTML (on the website and in PDF). What is the best solution to bringing a user to the site with the full navigation instead of just downloading a PDF file?

What does the 4XX HTTP status code range refer to?

Check all three reasons for choosing a 301 redirect over a 302 redirect:

When is it better to use the 410 error rather than the 404? Choose two answers:

What is the best solution when you know the approximate time of maintenance work on your website?

Choose three answers. What information can be found in an access-logfile?

True or false? It is recommended to work with log files constantly, making it a part of the SEO routine rather than doing one-off audits.

Which HTTP code ranges refer to crawl errors? Choose two answers.

Choose two statements that are right.

Choose two answers. Some disadvantages of ccTLDs are:

Choose two http response status codes that will work where there is any kind of geographical, automated redirect. We are talking about international requests from different geographical regions.

You have site versions for France and Italy and you set up two hreflangs for them. For the rest of your end-users you plan to use the English version of the site. Which directive will you use?

True or false? The SEMrush Site Audit tool allows you only to define issues that slow down your website and does not give any recommendations on how to fix them.

Choose two optimization approaches that are useful for performance optimization:

True or false? Pre-fetch and pre-render are especially useful when you do not depend on 3rd party requests or contents from a CDN or a subdomain.

Fill in the blank. According to the latest statistics, 60% or more of all results for high volume keyword queries in the TOP-3 have already been moved over to run on ______

What are the two valid statements with regard to the critical rendering path (CRP)?

Choose the correct statement about mark-up.

Choose a valid statement about AMP:

Choose the right statement about AMP:

Fill in the blanks. When you want to use _____, make sure they are placed in plain HTML/X-robots tags. _____ injected by JavaScript are considered less reliable, and the chances are that Google will ignore them.

Fill in the blanks. When you want to use _____, make sure they are placed in plain HTML/X- robots tags. _____ injected by JavaScript are considered less reliable, and the chances are that Google will ignore them.

Which type of mobile website version should you use to check if the “user agent HTTP header” variable is included to identify and provide the relevant web version to the right user agent?

Which type of mobile website version should you use to check if the “user agent HTTP header”? variable is included to identify and provide the relevant web version to the right user agent?

A good approach is to create internal competition. More links to different URLs have the same anchor text, easier for Google is to differentiate which of them is the one URL on your domain to be ranked for the given keyword.

Results vs. Competition

The Technical SEO Course Certification has been shown to be effective in helping people to improve the SEO of their websites. In a study by Semrush, the average student who completed the course saw a 20% increase in their website’s organic traffic. This is a significant improvement, and it shows that the Technical SEO Course Certification can help you achieve real results.

The competition for businesses with strong SEO skills is fierce, but the Technical SEO Course Certification can help you to give yourself an edge. By following the principles taught in the course, you can create a website that is optimized for search engines and more likely to be found by potential customers.

Career Growth Plan/Route

The Technical SEO Course Certification can help you to advance your career in a number of ways. If you are currently working as a technical SEO specialist, the course can help you improve your skills and knowledge. This can make you more valuable to your employer and help you to get promoted.

If you are not currently working as a technical SEO specialist, the course can help you get started in a new career. By learning about technical SEO, you can become a valuable asset to any company that wants to improve its SEO.

Opportunities in the World

The demand for businesses with strong SEO skills is growing rapidly. As more and more people conduct their research online, businesses that are not optimized for search engines are at a significant disadvantage.

The Technical SEO Course Certification can help you to prepare for this growing demand. By completing the course, you will gain the skills and knowledge you need to be successful in a career in SEO.